In recent years the parish council has received more than £175k of CIL money in relation to the new housing developments in Cam. CIL receipts for developments are expected for the next few years, but the exact amounts are not known until calculated by the district council.

The parish council may determine how its CIL receipts are spent; however, any expenditure must meet the following criteria as set out by CIL regulations:
• The provision, improvement, replacement, operation, or maintenance of infrastructure; or
• anything else that is concerned with addressing the demands that development places on an area.

We are asking our community to put forward project ideas that will benefit Cam. The projects can either be delivered by Cam Parish Council, or by the applicant themselves

The above list will be used as a framework by the parish council to rank projects for CIL expenditure along with the following considerations:
Community Benefit – how wide an impact the project will have for Cam and how many people might benefit.

Costs and Funding – the overall cost of the project and any future expenditure it may generate, such as ongoing maintenance. Projects part-funded by the benefitting organisation or from grant funding may increase the ranking as it means more projects can be financed.

Deliverability – how practical the project is and whether there are likely to be barriers around the planning or legal aspects.

Environmental Benefits – that the project offers benefits to the environment of Cam and the surrounding area and showing no negative impact.

Secondary criteria under consideration may include:
• Projects that have a lifespan of more than 15 years.
• Projects that reduce running costs or increase revenue generation.
• Projects that mitigate the detrimental effects of development, such as those delivering infrastructure identified as being required in the community.
• Projects that connect developments to parish services and assets.

How to apply

Complete the accompanying Project Proposal Form and return either in person or post to: Clerk, Cam Parish Council, 4 Noel Lee Way, Cam, Glos, GL11 5PS or email your Project Proposal Form to:

A copy of the Project Proposal Form can be found on the link below or you can pick up a paper copy from our office.

DEADLINE: Monday 3 June 2024, 09.00am

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